martes, 5 de julio de 2011

Acne, pimples and blackheads

Acne, pimples and blackheads

What is it?

Acne is a disease of genetic predisposition that appear in the presence of sex hormones. The lesions begin to appear at puberty reaching the majority of young people.
The disease affects not only adolescents and may continue into adulthood or even initiate this stage, under more frequent in women.
The disease symptoms (pimples and blackheads) are due to increased sebum associated with narrowing and obstruction of the opening of the sebaceous follicles, leading to open comedones (blackheads) and closed (whiteheads), appearing mainly on the face, back, upper chest. These conditions favor the proliferation of microorganisms that cause the inflammation characteristic of acne, Propionibacterium acnes is the infectious agent.


Acne is not curable, but it is a disease that can be controlled. Treatment varies by patient and type of acne.

The most commonly used forms of treatment are based on oral or topical antibiotics for more severe cases, medications that dry the skin, benzyl peroxide, oral vitamin A acid (for very serious cases), others. Moreover, persistence is everything in terms of treatment.


People with acne should take some care that somehow contribute to the improvement of this problem.

The primary care are: skin hygiene, resistance to bad habits, sun and food.


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